17 février 2025
faillite the good bike
Actualités Belgique24 Buzz

The Good Bike ferme ses portes définitivement

La faillite de The Good Bike, l’un des plus grands vendeurs de motos et d’accessoires à Bruxelles, a laissé un vide dans le paysage des deux-roues. Pendant plus de 25 ans, cette concession officielle pour des marques prestigieuses telles que KTM, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Moto Guzzi, Benelli, Aprilia, Sym, Vespa, Peugeot, Mash et Ydra a été un lieu de passion et d’excitation pour les amateurs de motos.

Cependant, ces dernières semaines, les portes de The Good Bike sont restées fermées. Les clients qui avaient passé des commandes se retrouvent dans l’incertitude, incapables de joindre la boutique. Officiellement, aucune raison n’a été donnée pour cette fermeture exceptionnelle. Sur le site web, une brève déclaration indique simplement que la boutique est fermée “pour des raisons indéterminées”.

Lorsqu’un journaliste de La Capitale s’est rendu sur place, le propriétaire néerlandais a révélé que l’exploitant ne pouvait plus maintenir l’activité pour des raisons médicales. Bien que la boutique ne soit pas encore officiellement en faillite, les signes pointent vers une issue malheureuse. Des remorques portant des plaques d’immatriculation néerlandaises ont été vues chargées du stock, laissant présager une transition difficile.

La communauté des motards de Bruxelles est en deuil. The Good Bike était bien plus qu’un simple concessionnaire. C’était un lieu de rencontres, d’échanges et de passion pour tous ceux qui partageaient l’amour des deux-roues.

Des clients ont perdu leur moto

Certains propriétaires n’ont pas pu récupérer leur moto qu’ils avaient déposés en réparation de fait que l’enseigne ai fermé ses portes subitement.
Il y avait certains clients qui attendaient leur moto déjà réservée et payée depuis mars…

1 Commentaire

  • Toma 15 avril 2024

    Las year, on 9th December 2023, I went to the Kawasaki representative in Brussel (The Good Bike), on the same date, in the presence of Mr. Xavier, I ordered the motorcycle Kawasaki Z900 SE Performance 2024 version with additional options also (see attached the invoice). The entire cost of the purchased motorcycle €14.260,00, was paid (via bank transfer) on the same date in front of Mr. Xavier and a contract was signed by both parties – 9th of December 2023. On the same date we have agree that the delivery of the above-mentioned motorcycle should be done in March 2024, he assured me that someone from the The Good Bike will contact me to start with the document’s registration. Motorcycle I purchased, arrived in the showroom in less than two weeks after the deal was sealed (23 December I did a photo in the showroom).
    On the 14th of March, a lady (didn’t gave her name) contacted me on my mobile phone number asking me the power of the motorcycle (A or A2) that I wanted to have delivered, I agreed that I wanted to be delivered with full power and that she would contact me in about a week to deliver me the registration document… and that was the last thing I heard about (I don’t know if I can say now) my motorcycle.
    After 1 weeks from that phone call I tried to contact The Good Bike, and was pointless: every phone call I tried to make was followed by a robot voice: “Your account is blocked” and today is the same.
    On the 23 March, Saturday morning I went to the store and the store was closed; a car with an attached platform both bearing a Dutch license plate number was loading Kawasaki motorcycles and the guy who’s loading told me that the store is closed and it will be open on the next Monday. The following Monday I returned to the showroom and found it closed again but this time there were a lot of people outside; dissatisfied customers from whom I heard that The Good Bike is permanently closed.
    Hearing that all Kawasaki motorcycle were evacuated on 27 of March that was the moment I felt myself robed… Moreover, as a client, no person contacted me asking to come earlier, because someone knew about what is happening to start the document registration process, no telephone, no email, no nothing. From the time the purchased Kawasaki Z900 SE arrived at the showroom until the unexpected/unannounced closure of the business, more than 2 months have passed, enough time for me to properly get the bike out of the showroom if someone from the management team could warn me what was going to happen, and someone knew what was going to happen..

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